
December 13, 2013

Living in the Birthday Moment

My entire reason for starting this blog 
was to write about my life.. 
Be comfortable sharing my life.. 
&& hopefully grow from doing it!  

I've always been the kind of 
person who has so much to say.. 
But never has the courage to say it.{haha}  
I have always loved to write. 
Writing {for me} is the easiest and most 
personal way to express myself. 
It's easy.. It's simple.. 
&& its an amazing way to reflect. 

I'm extremely shy to say the least 
&& would rather do anything than 
have the attention on myself. 
Birthday Parties?? YA RIGHT!  
I was the kid begging their parents to 
not make them open presents.. 
On my birthday.. For christmas.. Anything!  

Four years ago today I gave birth 
to my first little blessing.. Kinley. 
She changed my life in so many ways 
& I feel like watching her grow has 
changed my entire look on life in general. 
She sees the simple joy in EVERYTHING. 
Today she turns 4 
{seems like its 4 going on 20} 
and is soaking up every little 
second of 4 year old birthday fun! 

We started the day with 24 pink balloons 
sitting outside of her room.  
Talk about starting her morning off right-- 
who knew how excited balloons would make her. 

She reminds me every single day 
to not only notice the simple things.. 
But enjoy the simple things.. 
& even celebrate the simple things.

Today we will live in the moment-- 

..Off to Manicures & Movies!

{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright 

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