
December 31, 2013


I spent this last year
taking some time for myself..
focusing on my growing family..
&& paying close attention to 
defining my business.

Royal Bowtique started as a hobby..
grew into a business..
& slowly seemed to become 
my entire indentity.

I love to work..
I love my business..
&& I especially love to throw
myself into my next creative project..
but 2013 was the year I realized
the importance of balance.

I put my business on the 
shelf for a few months..
& paid close attention to all the little 
things I was carelessly overlooking.

I realized that any rewards I was getting out
of my business were nothing if I
wasn't able to cherish the little moments
with my little ones.

It was time to take a look at what I was doing..
see what I was spending my time doing..
and cut out everything that wasn't working.

This last season I spent the final months
of my pregnancy focusing on a few Holiday shows
I had scheduled.. Experimenting with a few new
products & not even realizing it I was 
totally redefining my brand at the same time.

Royal Bowtique is reopening online & 
its back on ETSY.

Its a reflection of my own personal style..
It's simple.. its Unique.. & its ME!

I feel like I have my business back & it feels so good!

{take a pretty little peek..}


{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright 

December 13, 2013

Living in the Birthday Moment

My entire reason for starting this blog 
was to write about my life.. 
Be comfortable sharing my life.. 
&& hopefully grow from doing it!  

I've always been the kind of 
person who has so much to say.. 
But never has the courage to say it.{haha}  
I have always loved to write. 
Writing {for me} is the easiest and most 
personal way to express myself. 
It's easy.. It's simple.. 
&& its an amazing way to reflect. 

I'm extremely shy to say the least 
&& would rather do anything than 
have the attention on myself. 
Birthday Parties?? YA RIGHT!  
I was the kid begging their parents to 
not make them open presents.. 
On my birthday.. For christmas.. Anything!  

Four years ago today I gave birth 
to my first little blessing.. Kinley. 
She changed my life in so many ways 
& I feel like watching her grow has 
changed my entire look on life in general. 
She sees the simple joy in EVERYTHING. 
Today she turns 4 
{seems like its 4 going on 20} 
and is soaking up every little 
second of 4 year old birthday fun! 

We started the day with 24 pink balloons 
sitting outside of her room.  
Talk about starting her morning off right-- 
who knew how excited balloons would make her. 

She reminds me every single day 
to not only notice the simple things.. 
But enjoy the simple things.. 
& even celebrate the simple things.

Today we will live in the moment-- 

..Off to Manicures & Movies!

{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright 

October 22, 2013


Our little family of three just got bigger!!!

Baby Weston was born 6 seemingling short weeks ago.  In an instant were a family of 4.. I'm a mom of 2.. && my sweet little baby Kinley is a BIG sister.  Nothing makes you see how precious life is like a baby.  

My 9 month journey with Weston was a roller coaster to say the least.  Our little surprise hit our family out of nowhere.. We were challenged with a few pregnancy complications along the way.. & I struggled wondering how I would be as a mom to two little ones.  

September 7th, 2012 my heart grew.  

Just when you think you can't give more.. You give.
& just when you think you can't love more.. You love. 

Meet Weston Matthew Wright --

September 4, 2013


One of my most dangerous beauty weaknesses is mascara-- 
It is one of those beauty products I feel like you can't buy cheap. 
You pay for what you get..
& I have definitely been accused of being a mascara snob..
Until now!

Dropping $25+ on mascara has always seemed 'worth it' to me. 
Finding that Perfect mascara that doesn't flake.. 
Has a deep rich color.. & a hydrating creamy consistency 
is nearly impossible. 

My personal fav for years has been Dior Show-- 
it's smooth, has an all day wearability & even has a 
waterproof formula that is to die for! 
However.. At $23 a bottle its not exactly a steal. 

Who knew the Kardashian Girls would throw a 
'TO DiE FOR' product into their Beauty Line for Ulta???
I left the house one day without putting mascara on...
Only my biggest fear EVER! Anyways.. I ran into Ulta to 
grab a quick, affordable tube to get me through the day & 
stumbled across a quartet pack of Kardashian Beauty Mascaras.
Little did I know.. hidden within the set of four mini tubes
would be my new favorite!!

The Kardashian Beauty Whiplash Mascara is amazing--
&& at $9.99 a tube its practically a steal!
It is literally the most perfect day wear mascara.
-- Not to mention the formula has a contained ingredient to 
strengthen your natural lash. Win Win!

Try it for yourself here.

{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright 

August 24, 2013


A few months back my Mom & I gifted each 
other subscriptions to Birchbox.  
As a self proclaimed cosmetic junky I had 
been wanting to try it out for a while... 
I had NO idea at the time how exciting 
'BiRCHBOX DAY' would be at our house!
 Every time that hot pink box arrives in 
the mail it's like Christmas! 
The best thing about the service is each box 
is customized for its always 
fun to compare the swag!

-- Its the best way to try new products --


// Whish Exfoliating Body Wash

// Whish Deodorant Swipes

//KMS California Free Shape Hot Flex Spray

// OC8 Professional Mattifying Gel

// Stila Liquid Lipstick {beso}

Every now & then you find one of those special beauty products that you swear was made just for you. I would totally be lying if I didn't think that this 'Stay All Day' Liquid Lipstick by STILA was one of those products.   Birchbox sampled out a trial size version of a new color this month-- BESO.  While I am not the kind of girl to bust out the red lipstick on a daily basis.. the formula is to DIE for, the consistency is smooth (almost powdery) && the wear is literally ALL DAY.  
-- i fell in love--
/\/\/\/\/\/\ PLAYING IN BESO /\/\/\/\/\/\

[available here for $22.00 with free shipping]


{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright 

August 14, 2013


In December of 2009 I had my daughter, Kinley Lavender.  
In typical Haute Mess fashion, our baby shower was scheduled
 for the same evening I was scheduled to be induced. 
Talk about waiting until the very last minute.  
Needless to say, late or not, it was still scheduled. --

The whirlwind of these past 8  months I have learned more about myself than any other time in my entire life.   This pregnancy is drawing closer to the end with each day & the waiting game has started to tick.   Unscheduled 24 hour blocks.. Where 'Baby Wright' could decide to come at any minute.

Naturally going into labor may be easy for some moms.. But this first born is beyond freaking out! 

What still needs to be finished..?? I totally get the never ending list of last minute to do's before a new baby gets here is never really supposed to get shorter.. But did I mention we still haven't decided on a NAME!!  Too girly.. Too southern.. Too hippie ✌.. Too long.. Doesn't sound right.. I knew someone with that name once..Picking a boy name has GOT to be the hardest thing I have ever done!  

I keep crossing things off my calendar.. but the anxiety of labor keeps getting stronger everyday.  On a brighter note, my sister just moved back to Phoenix!  Her timing could not be at a more perfect time & I am so grateful that she will be able to go through this roller coaster with us!  
She is the best friend & Auntie a girl could ask for!...especially since she has promised to paint the nursery!! {{THANKS SiSSY!}}

                  JUST BREATHE..

-- Operation Hospital Bag begins today!
{{Sharing all of my fav essentials once we're packed!}} ..breathe!

{{Life with a Mini can be Messy, Lets make it Haute!}}

Follow Our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright!


August 9, 2013


From the outside looking in nothing is ever quite what it seems.
  For whatever reason people try to mask who they really are.. what they are really living.. && where they really want to go.   

For what?  Acceptance into a world of glamorous social media where everyone can live the life they think they want.

Meet My Mini: Kinley .
I'm 28.  I've been married for 5 years. I have the most wonderful little girl ever.  I will have a new little bundle of joy in a few weeks.  I have a miniature dachshund, Belle, who has proven herself to be our biggest little challenge yet.. sigh!  I have one sister, and I have THE most amazing parents ever who have been not only role models to me my entire life, but continue to teach me everyday how to be the person I want to be. --Thats pretty much MY Story!

'This glitter 
infused world 
we call our 
life is a mess
...but its 
OUR mess!'

Our world is about to change forever & our family is about to get one little heartbeat bigger. Dance Classes, Nail Parties, Trunk Shows & Photo Shoots are about to have a huge Navy Twist thrown into the mix! 
Buckle up.. I'm sure it will make for a wild ride. 

{{"Life with a Mini can be Messy, Let's Make it Haute"}}

Follow our Haute Mess on Instagram at @kyliemichellewright